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Animation_ FREAKS ISLAND 프릭스아일랜드
Online, Mobile Series Animation (Under Development)
3 min. | 100 Episodes | 3D Full CGI | Comedy
“The challenge of robot dinosaurs who want to be the best agents they can be!”
After having completed the training program issued by the Department of Space Safety and Management, the rookie agent Dinos are dispatched to a town called “Kids Village”Whenever children of the town come across difficulties they cannot handle by themselves, Rex, Tomo, Viki and Little Ping come to solve the cases. Through it, Dinos grow little by little, eventually into the best agents.
“최고의 요원이 되려는 다이노(공룡로봇)의 도전!”
우주 안전 관리국의 훈련과정을 수료한 신입요원 다이노들이키즈빌리지에 파견된다. 이들 렉스, 토모, 비키, 리틀핑은 마을 친구들에게 어렵거나 힘든 일이 생기면 힘을 모아 멋지게 사건을 해결한다. 그런 과정에서 다이노들은 조금씩 성장해가며 최고의 요원으로 거듭난다.







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